Getting Compensated is Your Right

Medicine is intended to reduce pain and sufferings of mankind. But, it can also become a source of addiction and cause potential complications. One of the infamous drugs, which have resulted in widespread addiction and side effects,is opioid. Its primary function is to alleviate pain, manage a cough and diarrhea.

In the last 15 years, prescription drug misuse has reached epidemic proportions. It has caused death along with several hospitalizations. Prescription opioid, is generally given to those patients, who go through severe pain. However, several patients have started to consume this medicine for non-medical purposes, unaware of its lethal side effects. This drug creates artificial endorphin in the brain, which promotes good feeling, among the users. Eventually, it becomes an addiction.

Today, Ohio leads in terms of mortality rate from opioid addiction. In the year 2012, it was reported that 20% of the USA’s population came under the influence of this drug. Fingers were pointed on the pharmaceutical companies who manufactured and marketed this drug, and subsequent legal actions were also taken against them. If you are also a victim, then you should be aware, of the eligibility criteria for filing opioid lawsuit. These are:
  • Hospitalizations
  • Medical emergency transportation
  • Suffering and pain
  • Income loss
  • Law enforcement expenses
There are several legal firms, which can help you to file lawsuits and get you compensated. Bramzon Law Firm PLLC, is one of those reliable firms, which offer unparalleled services. Visit or call 855-982-1787 for more details.
