4 Opioid Manufacturers You Must Be Aware Of

Opioid misuse and overdose have not only caused serious addiction but reflected some of the long-term complications in patients who regularly acquired this medicine. These consequences weren’t enough, because the non-medical use of prescription and black marketing of this drug took the Opioid epidemic to dangerous levels.

If you weren’t aware of the major manufacturers that unknowingly contributed to the Opioid overdose and epidemic, then take a look at this. Some of the accused manufacturers are as follows:
  • Mckesson Corp.
  • Cardinal Health
  • Purdue Pharma
  • Costco
These manufacturers have been heavily accused and there are countless number of lawsuits filed against them. Even though the Justice Department asked the manufacturers to withdraw all drugs from the chain of distributors, they kept on marketing the products. As a result, the Opioid epidemic got severe and reflected several long-term issues. 

If you’ re even remotely related to this drug abuse or know a loved one who suffered serious consequences then take legal help from Bramzon Law Firm PLLC. They have experienced lawyers with years of practice behind them. Visit Opioidlegal.com or dial 855-982-1787 to talk to a professional.
