Proving Liability in Opioid Addiction Cases

Misuse and abuse of powerful prescription opioids have wrecked serious health issues in the United States. It created a massive wave of overdoses from addiction and ultimately resulting in death. Opioids are drugs which block pain pathways and provide relief from moderate to severe pain after complex surgeries. Apart from blocking the pain signals, they also give a pseudo sense of euphoria, making them an expensive choice for recreation. Unfortunately, even the prescription opioids can result in addiction.

Individual plaintiffs may file opioid lawsuit holding the defendants liable for their condition. The drug wholesalers and manufacturers can be made liable through mass tort lawsuits for causing harm to the victims. Pharmaceutical companies and drug wholesalers violated other duties just to reap profits which resulted in opioid addiction.

If you or someone close to you suffered from the complications of opioid overdose or addiction of Oxycodone, Hydrocodone or Fentanyl, you can file for lawsuit claiming financial compensation. Visit to find out more on how to get a free evaluation of your case by The Bramzon Law Firm PLLC legal team.
